The results of the DV-2020 green-card lottery have become known: where and how can they be recognized

Today, 7 May, with 12: 00 has become available to check the status of applications for drawing green cards in the lottery for 2020 year (DV-2020). Information will be available until September 30, 2020, reports U.S. Department of State.

You can check your status on the site., to do this, enter 
 the confirming number of the lottery participant, as well as indicate the name,
surname and year of birth of the applicant.
If you found a letter with a barcode and your data on the page that opened, you won. 
However, before receiving the coveted green card, you need to go through a few more
 stages as quickly as possible, about which we wrote earlier.

This is the only way to learn about the results of the lottery. The State Department 
will not send any electronic or regular letters.
The only email you can receive from the US Department of State is a reminder to check
 your status after the lottery. Moreover, the official institution never asks to make money 
transfers. Be especially attentive if you submitted an application through an intermediary.

It is worth remembering that winning the lottery does not guarantee receiving a green card.
 To immigrate to the USA, you must meet all the requirements that are presented applicants
 for immigration visas.
If you are already in the United States at the time you receive a notification about winning 
a green card, you have the opportunity change your status in the US to immigration
Read more about this at the official website of the program.

The green card is a certificate of a permanent resident of the United States who 
does not have the citizenship of this state. It, among other things, gives the right to work,
 benefits to education and the opportunity to apply for citizenship.
Also, before 30 September 2019, you can check the results of the lottery green cards for
 the year 2019 (DV-2019). After this date, persons who won the lottery will no longer 
be able to submit a corresponding application for a green card.